Thursday 24 July 2014

Grilled fish with stuffing


It's not only chicken you can stuff with fillings and grill/roast, you can do it with fish too! And the fun part is you can stuff it with any filling of your choice; potatoe, rice, mushroom, vegetable. 
I prefer this method of cooking fish because of its delicious and unique taste. 


Cat fish - Any size will do
Potatoe - 5 pieces medium size, cooked
Garlic - one whole bulb
Onion - 1 medium size 
Pepper - 4 small sizes
Maggi - 5 cubes
Cucumber - 1 medium size
Curry powder - 1 tbsp
Ginger powder - 1 tbsp
Cinnamon power - 1 tsp


Pour hot water over the fish to remove the slime. Using a sharp knife, slit the fish from the gut, to the tail and remove the entrails.

Grind the onions, garlic and pepper. Mash the potatoes roughly and dice the cucumber.

Put them all together in one bowl, add the cinnamon, curry, ginger powder and Maggi cubes. Mix very well

Stuff the fish with the filling.

                                                                          Place an aluminium foil on your oven tray, transfer the fish. Using a sharp knife, make three or four slashes on each side of the fish. Cover the sides with the remaining filling, roll it up with the foil and put in oven to cook for 20minutes.

Note* Grill with the foil first, for 20minutes, open the Foil and grill further to get the crispy texture. Grill each side for 5minutes. Remove from heat and serve.


  1. This is a new one. Never knew you could stuff fish too. Definitely trying this out tomorrow.

    1. Yes you can. Do let me know how it turns out.

  2. This is definitely a must try.
    Thanks for the Tip.
